Tuesday, 1 April 2008

Only the Lonely.

I'm not particularly close with anyone. I used to have a best friend, but even then I didn't tell them everything. I have a large groups of friends at school, but if I had a problem, I'm not sure I'd go to them for help. I don't mind not being close to anybody, as I've always been a solitary kind of person despite the outgoing personality and confidence. Sometimes however, the loneliness gets to me. When I need reassurance or a pick me up, I don't always have someone to turn to.

It comes down to lack of trust. I always think that people are backstabbing me when I'm not around, or that they only hang round with me because I don't have anyone else to hang round with me. I know that this probably isn't the case, but the thoughts still nag at me. When someone rolls their eyes at me in a joking manner, I can't help but think, "are they joking or for real?" 

After awhile, it starts to get to you.

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