Saturday, 26 April 2008

Undress Me...

I suddenly felt my self esteem deflating. Taking these pictures makes me feel sexy and beautiful. I haven't retouched them. This is me.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

This is you... This is beautiful! We need more cute girls like you in Canada for sure.

Mr Subtle said...

wow, just plain wow - amazing photos! And an incredible body.

DougOnBlogger said...

These look great! For a bunch of them though the link to the larger size isn't there.

Cowcharge said...

You do have a very nice body Six, but nice bodies are a dime a dozen these days (no offense, just don't fall into the fashion mag anorexia trap!). It isn't her body that makes a woman sexy, it's her intelligence and attitude, and what she does with her body, not her body's particular shape. It'd be pretty boring if all girls were the same size and shape. And for me at least, as long as a woman is active and strong enought to keep up, what exact size she is doesn't matter much.

Looks only get you initial attention, and the opportunity to make a first impression. Great looks can get you by for a while, especially with boys or shallow men, but if there isn't something behind the makeup, it'll never last.

So don't worry about a couple of extra pounds, it's just more to play with, LOL! If I want a bag of bones, I'll go hug my golf bag and save the cost of dinner!