Thursday, 14 August 2008

My Man

I've been a bit slow with posting because I'm addicted to the Olympics. I get home from school and watch it until I go to bed. It's terrible, but fantastic at the same time.

He's lovely, my man. We havent been on a date yet because we haven't had time and we live so far apart, but we sit together in class (kicking each other subtly under the table) and have started to spend our morning tea together.

He's Samoan, and is in the forward pack on our school rugby team. He's intelligent, taking all the sciences on offer as well as geography. He's also shy, and that's the reason we decided to keep our relationship on the down low for awhile. So much for that. The only person he told managed to spread it round the seventh form in twenty minutes, but we never confirmed or denied anything.

I think our first public outing will be the party next week. I'm excited. He's so great :)

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