Saturday, 8 March 2008

In the Mood to Party

Why is it that whenever you feel great and are ready to dance the night away, no one else is? I woke up this morning feeling great. Last night I went to the movies with some friends, and it must have put me in the mood for socialising because throughout the day, my need to go out and party has become greater and greater. On my lunch break, I sent round a text asking if anyone was keen to do something exciting. The only reply I received was, 

"Sorry - rearranging my bookshelf."

WHAT? That's the sort of thing I say. I'm usually the anti social recluse. Why have the tables suddenly turned? I'm going to end up dancing to my iPod in my room. What a depressing thought.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There are worse ways to spend an evening than dancing in your room. Rearranging your bookshelf comes to mind!