Sunday, 17 January 2010

Love Under the Stars

As we made love under a crystal clear night sky, he looked down at me and said,

"As I make love to you under these stars, just know that I have never loved anyone like this before."

Tears filled my eyes and I wrapped my arms around him tightly. Afterwards I kissed him and said,
"No one's ever said anything like that to me before."
"Well it's true. I want to make you happy."
"You do, and I'm the same - about you of course, not about me." He laughed at my sudden nervousness.
"I know."

It was the end to a perfect couple of weeks. I had gone to stay with Jake - six days of just us in his house. It was like we were living together, and I loved it. We wandered around naked or in our underwear, cooked together, watched 'Who Wants to be a Millionaire' and showered together. I felt so at peace in fact, that on my last day with him I cried because I know the chances of us being together like that again for awhile are slim. Although we believe in a future together, he said that he wouldn't move in with a girl until he had put an engagement ring on her finger, something I understood and accepted, despite my suggestion that we move in together in 2011 if we end up spending every night with each other this year.

It's less than five weeks until I move out, and I cannot wait for the year ahead.


Abigail said...

That's so nice to read!!!
Good luck with your plans... they sound absolutely fabulous!!! :D

Anonymous said...

It is ever so interesting that as you have written throughout, your Blog- Jake always makes love "to" you. When, we wonder, will he make love "with" you as if you are not just an object of his lust?

Thomas said...

"As I make love to you under these stars, just know that I have never loved anyone like this before."

Jake has a future in writing bad romantic novels and soap operas.

You really did not break out laughing after you he said that?

Anonymous said...

Anon - Please explain the difference to me. Or just stop being an ass.

Thomas - He's a teenager, Twilight is the height of his romantic ideals most likely. Cut him a break.

Sixteen - I am with you on this, I don't think someone should commit to someone until they have spent a year living with them, you just never know what will drive someone nuts.

Abigail said...

Oh please, don't listen to Anonymous or Thomas...

You just enjoy and be happy...
That's what matters..


Thomas said...

It's just a ridiculous thing for him to say, ReflexVE. Of course he has never loved anyone like that before, he only been a live for about two decades.

It would be like telling someone that you've never had sex like that before, when it was the first time that you've ever had sex.

I'm not even gonna touch on Twilight. It is just so ridiculous that I can't respect anyone that enjoys it.

Anonymous said...

Well ReflexVE - it's not a matter of semantics. We're only ever told he is making love "to" her as if her participation is secondary. At least he's not making love at her. Great sex is about making love "with" someone. Sure, we occasionally allow our partners to have a quickie and just fuck us, but that is far removed from making love "to" someone and every so far from making love "with" someone. Sex should not be a physical "to" thing, it should be a "with" experience. Now, has that clear and concise explanation un-assed me ReflexVE?

sixteensecrets said...

Sorry, you say that I write that he only ever makes love "to" me.

"As we made love under a crystal clear night sky, he looked down at me and said,"

As in, WE. Together.

I hope that clears up your pig-headed mind.

MackWiz said...

I agree with anonymous! When I was a "child" I just fucked all the women I could because I WAS an asshole; in college I started making love to women until I realized they had their own particular needs; when I finally fell in love I wanted to make love with my partner and often made love for my partner. It isn't a matter of semantics. Sixteen has been very careful in choosing words which describe how she feels throughout this Blog. Therefore she feels like Jake is making love "to" her at this time and that is a first step towards being a better lover.

MackWiz said...

Whoa! I think we are both referring to how you've always used the phrase including "to" in reference to what Jake says - not what you've said- "As I make love to you under these stars..." Perhaps go back and see how often Jake has made love "to" you and never "with" you.

Anonymous said...

In summary, I think what Jake will eventually learn is that men are ever so easy to please – kissing, naked breast and thigh, some stroking and voila.
Women need a little more detail to reach a goodly height.
Most “boys” fuck women, as many as they can;
young men make love “to” a woman;
men who love women make love "with" their partner
and often make love "for" their partner.
In the end it’s all about the woman.
Right now Sixteen feels and writes that Jake is making love "to" her. Check previous postings.