Wednesday, 16 July 2008

Missing the Mark

When preparing for my school ball, it's not so much about how I look (although in my purple fishtail dress and dark makeup, I look HOT), but how my friends will look.

As selfish as it is, I never want them to look as good as I do. Of course, I don't hope that they'll be total disasters - most of the time, but I do hope that in some way, they'll miss the mark ever so slightly by wearing the wrong jewelry or makeup.

I don't know why I wish this. Of course everyone wants to look the best, but does everyone silently pray that their friends will fail to impress as much as I do?


Anonymous said...

They cant be your friends if you wish that. I mean seriously get some new people in your life. Loyal people. Because if you thought that about me then I wouldnt want you as a friend.

Elijah Kent said...

*eye roll* everyone feels this way. the Germans even coined a philosophical term for it-- schadenfreude. The failure of others validates your own value. It's a natural human response, and of course you want to be the best looking one around, and you can't be that-- no one can, no matter how intrinsically hot-- if everyone around you has prefected their look. It doesn't mean you aren't loyal, and it doesn't mean you actually want the worst for your friends. You just want to be the best in your circle, and no one can fault you for that.