Wednesday, 21 November 2007

Curse of the Double Ds.

I went bra shopping with my mother the other day. There was a great special on, "any bra for half price!" I thought, grand. A really awesome bra for half price - for those of you who are unaware, bra prices in New Zealand are way over priced.
I found the perfect bra. It was black, with a layer of lace over the cup, and a bit of frill on the under wire. Excited, I began to flick through the bra sizes. The tiny ones that a five year old couldn't fit, the pre-puberty bras, the A, AA, B, BB, C, CC, then the D, then...wait on. Where's my size? The double-D? Sighing, I picked up the D in the vain hopes that my previous bra was merely mislabeled. I went to the changing room and tried it on to no avail.

Turns out pretty bras don't come in anything bigger than a D cup. I was gutted. My mother said to me, "Oh but you can try this one on," waving a bra that would have been very comfortable but in no way attractive. Now, I'm not a big girl (as seen in my pictures), and I would even go as far as to say that my breasts are not really that large. Surely they should make the pretty-black-lacy-bra in a DD? It's really not that bigger of a deal, is it? 


Brandon said...

One of my friends wanted me to go bra shopping with her cause i guess she wanted "a guys thought" and shes probably about your size, when i went with her they had some pretty nice bra ( lace too). Then again I'm not sure what kinda bras they have there, here in Canada, they have good ones. Well I think they are sexy anyways =P

sixteensecrets said...

I know there are plenty of bras out there if I feel like looking, just less that there are if you're a C cup. And they're never as nice or sexy because they're just so much bigger.

However, watch out for that one. No woman should ever take a man (in my humble opinion) bra shopping unless she intends to shag him in it :P

Brandon said...

Hahaha, whos to say she didn't, i gotta admit i like bras n all but i think they are better on the floor =)

sixteensecrets said...

Unless it's a very unattractive one, such as the one I am currently wearing. It's HUGE. Like the bra your mother would wear.

Brandon said...

Lets see, I'll judge if its huge and one my mother would wear hahaha

Brandon said...

I got to admit though, I do enjoy reading your blog and you seem like a good writer and photographer

Anonymous said...

Well, it's a problem I... well, I'm not sympathetic, since I'm old, male, and flat... but I do enjoy people who are young, female, and not flat, so I try to help out where I can....

Check here, as well as here, and there are several other manufacturers of large pretty bras, for large pretty breasts.

"dd bra" is a good Google search to start with.

PS: Yum. :-)

And no, it's not porn.