Tuesday, 4 May 2010


What constitutes as cheating to you? If your girlfriend or boyfriend so much as looks at another, does that make you suspicious?
What about kissing? If you found out that your significant other had kissed someone that wasn't you, how would you feel?
And sex? If you found out that they'd slept with another, would that be the be all and end all, or would you work through it and overcome it?

My friend kissed another girl that wasn't his girlfriend. To me, this is cheating. It's not the worst kind of cheating, but it's still pretty bad. If I found out that Jake had done that to me, he'd have to do a lot of work to get our relationship back on track, and I think I'd always harbour suspicion. I spoke to Jake about it, and asked if he thought it was cheating, and he said that a kiss was hardly anything.
"So if I kissed another guy you wouldn't care?"
"No of course I would. I'd be really mad, but it wouldn't be the end of the world." I told him that he better not ever do that to me or else the trust in our relationship would be broken.

The worst kind of cheating to me though is emotional cheating. If they did it once, never again, you could forgive them. But to find out that they'd been having a continuous affair with the same person, that they actually cared about them? Heartbreaking.

What's your stance?


Kiera said...

I think it's all about how you define cheating with your partner.

Now that he knows you think kissing is cheating... he better not fucking do it or IT IS. But if you never had that talk, I don't think you could call it cheating. Upsetting and disrespectful? Possibly.

Basically, I don't think one can cheat "the rules" if the rules were never laid out explicitly to begin with.

Anonymous said...

When two souls commit any form of physical straying is cheating - cheating shows one partner that they are NOT the ONE - "Nothing hurts more than realizing he meant everything to you, but you meant nothing to him." AND "I was drunk" is never an excuse for anything.

Anonymous said...

Cheating is like abuse. Once a guy sorta, kinda, slightly smacks or emotionally abuses his mate, he will again, because he IS abusive. Once a guy slightly,"accidentally" kisses another even though he was drunk or whatever excuse he will again. If he somehow ends up dicking her too, he will again because he's just not the tyoe to ever be with just one woman. Drop him and run the other direction fast and for good.

Anonymous said...

Is this really about you or Jake cheating?
Seeking Blog Honesty!?!