Thursday, 30 August 2007

I'm fuming. Absolutely fuming.

You're losing a friend. They've changed so much that you're not really sure you want to be a part of their lives anymore, and then they betray you. It was nothing major. Just enough to know that a real friend wouldn't do that. Mimi (yeahp, from my second post) had an awful day, so we were going to skip our lesson and just hang round together and talk. Mimi told our former best friend, and he was all cool. But he tells our director. The director approaches us about it, and he stands there in the corner, sniggering as if it's one big joke.

Well, tell you what, it wasn't a joke to us. We wanted to spend some time with each other, and you wanted to take that away from us? Was it because you were jealous, because we hadn't invited you? Because I wasn't talking to you? You've changed so much I can't talk to you. And I don't want to.

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