Wednesday, 16 June 2010

Dream Kitchen

I know many will balk at my dreams of becoming a domestic goddess, but lately all I can think about is my dream kitchen. A large, homely kitchen in which my baking creations and dinner masterpieces will come to life. A preparation bench in the middle of the kitchen with granite tops. An oven and a grill, and a separate stovetop. A large pantry, and a set of shelves to store jars of spices. After seeing Carrie and Miranda buying spices in the second Sex and the City Movie, I imagined how cool it would be to have jars of spices and dried herbs on display. I love to put extra things in my foods, so as well as being pretty, they'd be practical, too.

P.S. I bought some chocolate body paint the other day. I will tell you about my experiences with it once I test it out!


Spice Rack said...

The first step to an organized kitchen is to formulate a plan and assemble the proper items. One of the most challenging aspects of kitchen efficiency is organizing spices. Many recipes require an assortment of spices. Good thing the Spice rack is invented.

Anonymous said...

Herbs look great like this BUT lose their flavour very quickly. Almost all Herbs should be stored in a cooler darker place. At least in dark jars with labels to keep them fresh if not cool.